Modern tools for modern lenders

Redefining credit risk management for the modern age. Developers, explore our state-of-the-art API tools, resources and guides designed to set you leagues ahead in precision and performance.

Seamless integrations

Our team share over 25+ years experience building innovative credit information products at companies like Runpath, Experian and Credit Kudos. We are proud to have the backing of some of the UK's leading early-stage investors, as well as prominent fintech founders.

Easy to implement

  • Open API specification
  • Extensive API documentation


Access synthetic data for millions of consumers accompanied by scenarios and walkthroughs.

Modern sandbox

Infact’s Postman collection organises API elements and offers examples in 19 languages.

Secure and reliable

ISO27001-compliant and AWS Well Architected with OAuth2 security.

A new hope for credit reporting

Build faster, better reporting capabilities

Providing data to credit bureaus has long been a laborious and onerous task with bulky, inefficient and time-consuming processes.

More accurate and more timely information sharing means you can encourage positive repayment behaviour and help your customers build their credit health faster.


A more personalised bureau solution

Product configuration

Build things your way with an array of customisable settings and configurations. Get to market quickly with standard settings, or optimise your setup to create an entirely custom experience.

Customer Insights

We remove the red tape and unfair costs to get the insights you need to deliver better outcomes and lending performance. Better understand user behaviour and track your app’s performance with real-time insights and automated retrospective capabilities.